About AE VanVogt
Alfred Elton (A.E.) van Vogt (1928–2005) was a prolific Canadian born American author known for his bizarre narrative style of writing. He penned dozens short stories and novels, including Slan, The Weapon Makers, The Book of Ptath and The World of Null-A.
Born in Edenburg, Manitoba, van Vogt spent the first dozen years in several places in Canada, before ending up in Winnipeg, Manitoba. During the depression years, van Vogt took a correspondence course in writing and within a year had sold his first story. Around 1938, he shifted his writing to science fiction and over the next few years had several stories published in Astounding Science Fiction.
His first completed novel, Slan, was published in Astounding in the September-December, 1940 issues. Shortly after A.E. decided to make the jump to full time writer. During the period from 1941-1944, living in Toronto, wrote many of his stories and novels, including The Book of Ptath and The Weapons Makers.